Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance

What is the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance?
  • A kind of social insurance system designed to compensate for workers’ injury, illness, disability, or death that occurred during work.
    • Employers, not their employees, are responsible for the full amount of the contributions to IACA.
  • Foreign workers are also entitled to compensation by this insurance regardless of the legality of their residence.
    • ※ For more information, contact the Employment & Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Total Service of Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service.1588-0075
  • Incident occurrence
  • Writing Application Form
  • Submit to the regional Office of Health Corporation
  • Decide If IACA can be applied
  • Notify the employee(which person? the employer or the employee?)
IACI Benefits
  • Medical Care Benefits
    • Workers must get treatment from a medical center established or designated by the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service. Also, payment should be made directly to the medical center according to the rule. However, if workers sought cure and finished the payment first—owing to unavoidable circumstances—they can be compensated later.
  • Sick Leave Benefits
    • If a worker gets injured or ill because of an accident while on duty, the inflicted worker and his/her families are entitled to sick leave benefits for the unemployment period within which the said worker is recuperating in order to support their livelihood.
  • Compensation Pension for the Sick and Wounded
    • If an inflicted worker’s condition is grave and does not improved two years after the start of his/her recuperation, this compensation pension is provided to the worker and their families instead of the Sick Leave Benefits in order to support their livelihood.
  • Disability Benefit
    • If an inflicted worker has recovered his/her health but left with mental disorder or physical disability, this benefit is offered to the worker to compensate for the loss of his/her labor productivity due to the disability.
  • Personal Care Benefit
    • If an inflicted worker requires regular or temporary personal care medical service after the recuperation, the worker is entitled to this benefit.
  • Bereaved Family Compensation and Funeral Expenses Compensation
    • If a worker is dead or presumed to be dead, families who used to live together with the worker are entitled to these benefits to support their livelihood. The actual cost of the funeral procedure will also be compensated.